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Spring Break : Beach , Blanket , Binge !

Spring break is synonymous with massive consumption of alcohol by college students. It can also be used as a justification by old goats reliving their glory days. Those who abuse it rationalize drinking too much with a number of explanations : the need to relax , the unquenchable thirst after finishing yard work , ” French people drink every day ” , the job is stressful or that drinking green beer is on their ‘bucket list’ for St. Patrick’s Day. Many minimize their

Two Hearts That Beat as One

Valentine’s Day represents a day to swoon over love as well as indulge in yummy chocolates. The first stage of romantic love begins when we finally meet someone we ‘click’ with. It is sheer joy brought on by a potent mix of endorphins. The initial three to six months of a relationship is wonderful, easy and breezy.  A heady cocktail of  adrenaline, dopamine and serotonin lead to viewing our beloved as “perfect.”  When we are ‘under the influence’ we proj

Your New Year’s Resolutions Should Include Realistic Goals

The new year provides an innate drive to improve ourselves, to make a new start. We review the past year and that provides us with a list of resolutions for the next one. You look at yourself in the mirror after having consumed 325 holiday cookies and see a faint resemblance to Shamu. You wake up with a “super cell” hangover and vaguely remember being pulled over by an Austin police officer. You just couldn’t pass up the incredible deals from “Needless Mark-up” this

Tips for Staying Calm During the Holidays

Family life is idealized at the holiday season. In commercials, television shows and movies, families are portrayed as a font of togetherness, making warm memories. However, for many of us, this time of year can bring up anxiety, depression and pure dread when we think of going home. Magically, the minute we’re with our families of origin we’re cast back into our childhood roles: vying for attention, feeling ignored as the middle child or behaving in a rebellious and insolent manner